Useful for having a searchable channel and for distinguishing between similar names.

tul!find - Find and display info about tulpas by name.tul!showuser - Show the user that registered the tulpa that last spoke.tul!tag - Remove or change a tulpa's or your user tag (displayed next to name when proxying).

tul!brackets - View or change a tulpa's brackets.tul!birthday - View or change a tulpa's birthday, or see upcoming birthdays.tul!describe - View or change a tulpa's description.tul!avatar - View or change a tulpa's avatar.tul!list - Get a detailed list of yours or another user's registered tulpas.tul!help - Print this message, or get help for a specific command.A Discord bot written in eris for proxying user messages through webhooks to emulate tulpas/systems users having their own user accounts.